Recent Donations

Jo Taylor


6 hours ago

Stuart Gemmell


23 hours ago

Erin Menkens


3 days ago

Annie Grant


4 days ago

Judy Meikle


4 days ago

Jade Mcdonald


4 days ago

Toni McGregor


49 days ago

Jade McDonald


72 days ago

Triple T is a not-for-profit Community Radio Station, people-powered by 71 Volunteer broadcasters. Our commitment to the community is to broadcast engaging, educational, informative, entertaining, content that adds value and service to our greater community. We are accessible and promote inclusiveness, diversity, and harmony in the community through our volunteer programs and media training opportunities. Our organization is all about bringing the community together, supporting and providing a platform for other not-for-profit community organizations and communities not catered for in our broadcast area.

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Contact Details

PO Box 1033

(07) 4721 5333

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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