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United World Colleges (Australia)

UWC Australia National Committee Support

Why are we collecting funds?

UWC Australia believes in a future where people identify themselves as citizens of the world, and not as multifaceted groups, segregated by borders. The UWC movement believes that by supporting the youth of the world in a nurturing environment, we can create a peaceful and sustainable future. While we have a DGR fund (UWC Australia Scholarship Fund) to support our main activity, the national committee also needs to service additional operating expenses.

How does the organisation operate in Australia

Though UWC was established in Australia in 1972 by renowned educationalists Sir Harold Wyndham and Sir James Darling, today, it is primarily UWC alumni who take responsibility for all of the UWC national operations. Alumni take great pride in fundraising for, and selecting, the next generation of students. Globally, UWC's capable and qualified alumni base form the backbone of this far reaching, not-for-profit, education movement. They volunteer countless hours and skills required to running a global network of national committees. 

But, we need more than just good-will and volunteer hours to ensure meritorious, young, Australian's have the ability to attend a UWC.

How will the funds be used?

  • Operational Expenses - Contributions assist with basic operational costs such as web page maintenance, accounting fees, and insurance, not otherwise eligible to be covered by the UWC Australia Scholarship Fund.
  • Where excess funds are received, the UWC Australia national committee may choose to use the funds to support airfares, pocket money/ancillary costs, scholarships and awareness of UWC.

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4/11 Buninyong St

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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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