How does my donation help?
By making a general donation to VolunteeringACT you’re supporting vour vision of an inclusive Canberra, and a mission to foster inclusion by enabling participation and connection.
VolunteeringACT is the peak body for volunteering and community information in the Canberra Region, as well as being a service provider of programs for people experiencing disadvantage and isolation, people with disability, and people needing support for mental wellness.
We connect people to volunteering opportunities; support volunteer involving organisations with training, advice and volunteer recruitment; make sure information on services and supports is easily accessible to everyone through our Community Information services; support people experiencing disadvantage; and provide programs to help people reconnect with their community and access supported volunteering roles.
Here are just some of the ways we support the volunteering and community information sector:
ABS statistics demonstrate that 36% of the population volunteers. That equates to over 130,000 Canberrans!
Australians are known for their generous spirit and strong sense of community; just consider how we all pull together in a crisis. ACT volunteering activities contribute $1.5 billion to the economy and are critical to the health and happiness of our city.
Your generous donation will ensure we can continue to deliver outstanding programs and engagement activities which connect volunteers to worthy community organisations and connect the people of Canberra with the great community services and events on offer.
We welcome donations towards specific programs or general donations which support our whole organisation. We’ll keep you updated on our work through regular e-newsletters and our social media channels. All donations are greatly appreciated. Donations over $2 are tax deductible.
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