Victoria Police Legacy provides a range of ongoing support services to Victoria Police families who have lost a loved one.  Should a serving or retired Police Officer or Protective Services Officer, or their spouse/partner die, Victoria Police Legacy is there to provide ongoing support to the spouse/partner and children for the rest of their lives.

We are committed to supporting families with meaningful benefits, services and advocacy. We strive to ensure that no spouse/partner or child of a deceased police family member will ever be forgotten or in need.  

Welfare Support Services are provided to over 1,200 Police Legatees. Our compassionate staff undertake home visits and help facilitate connection and engagement of our police legatees with the wider police family through social activities, lunches, activities and trips away for different age groups, including our very young police legatees.   A range of financial supports and educational grants are also provided. 

Our income is primarily derived from the extremely generous financial support of the many thousands of sworn members of Victoria Police ranging from the newest recruit to the Chief Commissioner, without whom much of the high quality support and services would not be possible.  We also receive donations through the kind generosity of members of the public.

We are a not-for-profit public benevolent institution that has Australian Taxation Office Deductible Gift Recipient status.  All donations over $2 are tax deductible.

We thankyou for your very generous donation.  


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PO Box 4086


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