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Kayla Drysdale


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Kimmie Warburton


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Carli Smith


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Tony Cornish


10 days ago

Victoria Police Legacy is making a difference through its Young Adult Police Legatees, aged 18 – 25 years old, as they embark on a humanitarian trip to Cambodia. Volunteering their skills ranging from engineering to nursing, our Young Adult Police Legatees will establish fresh water tanks and ablution facilities for underprivileged local villages near Angkor Wat. This construction project will provide much needed private space for women and girls to toilet and wash themselves, and safe drinking water for those living in the villages. Dental hygiene, hand washing, craft and sport will also be a key learning and engagement focus as our group visit remote village schools that lack access to writing materials, dental care and fun or creativity.

This personal development, humanitarian experience, is being undertaken in conjunction with volunteers from the Rotary Central Melbourne Club who, as part of Rotary Internationals ‘World of Difference Experience’ program, will support and guide our Young Adult Police Legatees as they undertake this vital work.

100% of ALL DONATIONS made through this platform are secure and WILL BE USED IN THIS HUMANITARIAN CONSTRUCTION PROJECT.

We would appreciate any contribution, big or small.

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