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WA Youth Jazz Orchestra (WAYJO)

WAYJO - Orchestra Seat Sponsors

54 young, dedicated and talented musicians. Scores of concerts, workshops, events, and experiences. Guest artists, regional tours, international exchanges. For over 35 years, WAYJO has been an integral part of Perth's cultural landscape, with hundreds of alumni making careers all over the world.

To achieve our mission, WAYJO contributes approximately $12,000 for each of our 54 orchestra members every single year. Our government funding covers less than 15% of that number, so we need your help to keep our programs running and enhancing the opportunities we offer our musicians.

We invite you to sponsor an orchestra seat at WAYJO. What does that mean? It means you get a personal connection with one of our talented musicians throughout the year, supporting an instrument and seeing the growth your contribution makes.

For $500, Orchestra Seat Sponsors:

  • the chance to meet your sponsored orchestra member during interval at a WAYJO performance;
  • invitation to a WAYJO open rehearsal, giving you a behind-the-scenes look at what it takes to make the music;
  • a short, personalised thank you video from the WAYJO musician you have sponsored;
  • a personalised thank you letter from our Artistic Director, Gemma Farrell, at the start of the year, outlining the annual program;
  • two letters from the corresponding band's Music Director, outlining the progress of the band in June, and sharing their band's successes at the end of the year;
  • optional recognition as an Orchestra Seat Sponsor in the WAYJO season brochure, on the WAYJO website, and on social media.

This is your chance to really be part of WAYJO, and leave a lasting legacy with one of Western Australia's most exciting arts companies.

(Please select either a $125 Quarterly donation, or a $500 Once-Off or Annual donation)


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PO Box 134

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