While the world is focussed on Covid19, WFWP Australia is still Empowering Women in remote communities. However, we are struggling to support our humanitarian projects due to the current climate. Our funds to support women and girls is depleting.

With your donation, whether it be small or large, through the Pasifika Scholarship Fund 3 young women will continue their tertiary education at the Solomon Islands National University and the the University of the South Pacific in Fiji.

Our Pasifika Micro-Credit Project will continue to help women with existing micro businesses, or start-up new businesses.

Books for the Islands and educational marterial will still be sent to the New Hope Academy (NHA) in Honiara, the Solomon Islands, and to school libraries in Samoa, Fiji, PNG and Vanuatu.

Through the Women's Sewing Centre project, we will continue to supply used sewing machines to enable women to set up businesses to support their families.

"History is calling for reconciliation, compassion, love, service and sacrifice. Today's problems cannot be solved by the logic of power... Our present problems can only be solved by the logic of love."  Dr. Hak Ja Han Moon (Founder, WFWP International)



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