Recent Donations

Lynne Gibson


7 days ago



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Alan Laughlin


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Karen Loblay


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Terry Carson


28 days ago

Garry Browne AM


30 days ago



31 days ago

Bob Selinger


32 days ago

Thank you to everyone who has provided support for the project so far. With the first milestone reached and funds en-route to Ukraine, we welcome you to donate to our continuing joint humanitarian effort with the Rotary Clubs of Kyiv Capital and Rotary Club Zaporizhzhia Khortytsia.

Together, we can make a significant difference. By supporting the Wheels of Aid Project, you are ensuring the delivery of life-saving aid to those in desperate need.

Donate today to continue bringing warmth, hope, and relief to families in Ukraine. Your contribution can change lives.

How the Wheels of Aid Project will change lives

Sydney Rotary is partnering with Rotary Clubs of Kyiv Capital and Rotary Zaporizhzhia-Khortytsia to deliver essential aid—shelter, food, supplies, and more — to internally displaced persons (IDPs) across Ukraine.

Operated by our fellow Rotarians in Ukraine, your funds will bring relief to tens of thousands living in conflict-affected areas across Ukraine.

Every dollar donated will directly fund this vital project, bringing immediate relief and long-term support to people displaced by the war.

We provide more than just supplies—we can deliver hope.

Every dollar donated will directly fund this vital project, bringing immediate relief and long-term support to people displaced by the war.

Donations $2,500 and more

Make your tax-deductible donation of $2,500 or more directly to the Rotary Club of Sydney.

Call: 0447604750

Donate today and help us bring warmth, hope, and relief to Ukraine this winter.

For corporate partners

We are seeking corporate partners to support our fundraising efforts by matching donations for individual projects within this initiative. Please get in touch for a conversation about how you can contribute.



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GPO Box 1523


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