The Women’s Museum and the Old Gaol of Alice Springs come together in one site.

The Women’s Museum of Australia started out as the National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame in 1993 in the Old Courthouse.

The Old Gaol was built in 1938 and closed in 1996.

After several years closed the Old Gaol site was offered to the National Pioneer Women’s Hall of Fame in 1996. The women’s history component was to be housed in the former kitchen and stories of the Old Gaol were to be shared in the women’s and men’s cell block areas.

The museum is now responsible for a large museum site, preservation and conservation of murals that were painted by incarcerated people and the expansion, preservation, conservation, interpretation of objects that tell the story of women in history. This is a big task for a non-government museum. 

Your donation will help us to continue our efforts and expand on what we are already delivering.


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PO Box 9193

(08) 8952 9006

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The Women’s Museum of Australia would like to acknowledging the Arrernte people as Traditional Owners of the land on which we meet and pay our respects to Elders past and present.

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