Motivation Foundation is a non-profit organization that relies on donations from communities and supporting organizations. Every donation big or small supports students in any way possible and to show you we have compiled a list of donations that support our students.
$25 - Classroom Supplies
$50 - 1 Smartrider top-up for transport
$75 - Mobile phone credit
$90 - Machine tickets (License to drive machines)
$185 - 3 sets of 1-hour driving lessons
$200 - Transport money for fuel
$250 - 1 Complete Motivation Foundation uniform
$500 - Graduation Awards
$530 - 50 Loader(Machine) Hours
$550 - 50 Excavator Hours
$700 - 50 Grader Hours
$3000 - Course fee for 1 student
$4000 - 1 month’s rent for a student or a Graduation Sponsorship.
$5000 - 1 month's worth of machine fuel.
Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.