We need to “build capacity” to be able to assist many more people who are requesting our services.
Oz Assist works in assisting the disadvantaged, elderly, families, and individuals through advocacy and emergency relief, and everyday living requirements to achieve the best result they can for their circumstances. In many cases our clientele often falls "through the cracks" and Oz Assist supports them with care, dignity, and respect.
After much thought and looking at what we do and with the increase of demand for our services, we have come up with the proposition that Oz Assist is in need of a vehicle so it can expand and help our clientele in a greater way. We currently rely on Volunteers using their vehicles and in many cases, their vehicles are not suitable or available.
The type of instances that we would help clients, using this vehicle are:
Delivering food or food vouchers
Taking clients and their family shopping, to the doctors, other medical services such as physiotherapy, osteopathy, hydrotherapy, dentists, solicitors, banks, pay bills, post office
Assisting to move premises
Assisting to move furniture and other items
Taking them to Centrelink, NDIS, and other Government departments
Taking them to Workcover agencies and appointments including Conciliation (ACCS) and Independent Medical Examinations (IME)
Taking them to the Administrative Appeals Tribunal
Taking them to VCAT
Taking them to Rehabilitation appointments
The vehicle we are looking to purchase new would be a 7-seater SUV. It would also need to be able to tow a trailer when needed. The monies would be used for the purchase of the vehicle, registration, insurance, fuel costs, tolls, maintenance costs.
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