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Yallambee Traralgon Village for the Aged Inc.

"Yallambee" Traralgon Village For The Aged Inc.

Recent Donations



454 days ago


Donations, no matter how large or small, make a difference. Your generosity enables us to fund valuable research, purchase equipment we otherwise may not afford to buy, and enhance the comfort and care of our patients, residents and clients.

All donations over $2.00 are tax deductible.

Donations of Property

Should you wish to donate property to Yallambee Traralgon Village for the Aged Inc we would love to hear from you. Please contact our reception staff on (03) 5132 3500.

Leaving a gift to Yallambee

Many of our supporters choose to leave a bequest to us in their will. Areas of benefit include:

  • general medicine
  • dementia research
  • palliative care
  • Bequests can also be used to assist with the promotion of positive community attitudes towards the necessity and desire of quality aged care. 

How to make a bequest

To assist in the preparation of a bequest may we advise the following suggested wording in your final will and testament:

I (name), give ($amount) free of all duties and testamentary expense to Yallambee Traralgon Village for the Aged Inc, for the purpose of patient care/service development, and I direct that a receipt issued by the Chief Executive Officer for the organisation shall be sufficient discharge of my executors duties for this bequest.

We recommend that you seek legal advice in relation to your decision to make a bequest. 


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Are donations tax deductible?


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Yes, as soon as your donation is processed.

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