HOPE for Healthy Communities

Hope worldwide (Australia)

Date & Time

Sunday 25 May 2025
12:00 pm - 05:00 pm AEST


In-person tickets: Monash University, Building K, Room 309, Sir John Monash Drive. Live-streaming tickets: see link
Caulfield, VIC 3162
Seminar Self development Charity and fundraising Health and wellbeing Adults Wheelchair accessibility English

HOPE for Health Communities is a Mental Health Forum with the theme of Moving to Wellness. Talks will cover common mental health topics delivered by experts in the field. The event aims to educate the community in additional to those working in the health profession on challenging mental health and behavioural conditions. All funds raised from the event will support vulnerable communities in Papua New Guinea and Fiji through HOPE worldwide.

The venue has a seating capacity of 400. Once this is filled, talks can be viewed online or from screens in the foyer.

The event can also be viewed online via livestream.

Light lunch provided. Opportunity to talk to the experts, network and access mental health resources.


12-12:30pm Moving past Trauma- Healing through Schematherapy and EMDR. Dr Mark Timlin, MPH, FRACGP, MBE

12:30-1:15pm Eating Disorders- prevention, early diagnosis and treatment. Dr Libby Rowe, FRACGP

1:15-1:45pm Lunch

1:45-2:15pm Mental Health and Spirituality- Healing benefits of spiritual beliefs. Dr Andrew Scott, Clinical Psychologist

2:15-3:00pm ADHD, Autism and Anxiety- dymistifying assessment, understanding treatment. Dr Lauren Brown, CP

3:00-3:20pm Break

3:20-4:00pm Addiction, Dissociation and Disconnection- overcoming challenges. Dr Andrew Mau, RACGP, Psychodynamic Psychotherapist

4:00-4:30pm Panel Discussion Moving to Wellness. All speakers

4:30-5:00pm Networking, Optional breakout groups (for GP CPD) and Close

If joining online please follow the ZOOM LINK on receipt



Contact Details

19 Chandler Rd

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Show event details
General Admission: Moving to Wellness
Moving to Wellness, a mental health forum. Sun May 25th from 12noon-5pm at Monash University Building K309, Caufield. Admit one Adult. Doors open 11:45am

Livestream: Moving to Wellness
Moving to Wellness, Mental Health Forum. Live streaming. Sunday May 25th from 12noon-4:30pm. https://us02web.zoom.us/j/8589513938?pwd=UEJ6WDdqcWdTZUVMSWZ3QjlCeVUyUT09&omn=85478386828 Meeting ID: 8589513938 Meeting Passcode: hope

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