For over 20 years, SYN has been the place for young people to tell their stories and join a community where they are supported and celebrated for being themselves. Now more than ever, this is a crucial service to provide for young people across Naarm. We also bring new perspectives, voices, music and art to the airwaves, helping young artists find their audience! 

By subscribing to SYN, you:

  • Support a thriving community of young people and empower them to tell their stories
  • Keep independent youth media alive
  • Gain exclusive access to SYN events and giveaways
  • Help ensure that SYN is around for this generation of young people...and the next...and the next!

Your support directly supports the station you love, allowing us to upgrade technology, offer tailored support to our community of volunteers, reach new young people in regionnal and rural areas, and continue to bring new voices to your airwaves. We could not do this without support from you - subscriptions and donations directly help keep us on the air, so thank you!


Contact Details

RMIT Building 12, Level 3, Room 97, 402 Swanston Street

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