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Shaping Outcomes


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Shape An Outcome

Help support Shaping Outcomes find their forever home so that local children with a disability continue to thrive connect and belong.

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Shape An Outcome

Help support Shaping Outcomes find their forever home so that local children with a disability continue to thrive connect and belong.

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Support Children with Disabilites

Funding received will provide early intervention services to children with disabilities or developmental delays and their families, who are ineligible for NDIS funding.

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Support Children with Disabilites

Funding received will provide early intervention services to children with disabilities or developmental delays and their families, who are ineligible for NDIS funding.

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Our Mission

We provide quality Best Practice Supports to children with disabilities or developmental delays and their families to build inclusive communities that enable children to Thrive, Connect and Belong

Contact Us

PO BOX 105

We acknowledge and pay our respect to the Bundjalung, Arakwal and Yaegl people, Custodians of the Jagun (Land), on which we provide our services. We acknowledge the Ancestors, Elders and Community members who to this day draw their reference and framework of values and law from it. We pay respect to all indigenous people and their Elders from other nations, acknowledging the story that brings us all together. We understand that we are all part of the Goodiarbul (the long story) and that we are adding a layer of story to this land. It is our desire for that story to be respectful of the Jagun and the Nyorung and the People birthed from this place.