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Shaping Outcomes

Support Children with Disabilites

Shaping Outcomes is an Early Childhood Intervention Service for children with developmental delays and disabilities, we support families and communities from Gold Coast through to Grafton.  Helping to build advocacy, capacity and supports for children, ensuring that they live their best life possible.

Your donation will go directly towards supporting local children with developmental delays, disability and their families building platforms for inclusion across education, community participation and to establish foundations for each child to a life filled with opportunties to succeed.

Latest statistics are that 20% of children born in Australia, will require some level of Early Chilhdood developmental support, with only 9% of those children being eligible for access to the NDIS.  This means that 91% of children requiring developmental supports will have to navigate and find mainstream supports with waitlist that range between 6 - 18months. 

The first 2000 days of a childs life are critical for development, as the neuroplasticity of the brain is at its most accepting of new information.  These 2000 days are critical to establishing learning patterns, behavioural responses, learning pathways and social engagement routines. The earlier we can begin to provide supports and assist with neurological pathway mapping the greater the outcomes and results for chidlren and families. 

Shaping Outcomes through their skilled staff of educators using globally researched Best Practice delivery options of "Team around the Child" are able to engage with children and families in their "Live Learn and Play" environments, building the skills of children and families through play and routine based therapies.  These early supports help to develop postive learning outcomes, improve quality of life and create inclusion platforms that see each individual child reach their individual potential. 



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We acknowledge and pay our respect to the Bundjalung, Arakwal and Yaegl people, Custodians of the Jagun (Land), on which we provide our services. We acknowledge the Ancestors, Elders and Community members who to this day draw their reference and framework of values and law from it. We pay respect to all indigenous people and their Elders from other nations, acknowledging the story that brings us all together. We understand that we are all part of the Goodiarbul (the long story) and that we are adding a layer of story to this land. It is our desire for that story to be respectful of the Jagun and the Nyorung and the People birthed from this place.

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