CMT Aussie Kids is a program run by CMT Australia, giving youth with CMT a chance to go away on camp and other activities with kids who, like them have Charcot Marie Tooth.
CMT Aussie Kids is a program run by CMT Australia, giving youth with CMT a chance to go away on camp and other activities with kids who, like them have Charcot Marie Tooth.
CMT Australia supports all those who are afflicted with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease through a range of programs. Supporting our Association helps us continue this work.
CMT Australia supports all those who are afflicted with Charcot-Marie-Tooth (CMT) disease through a range of programs. Supporting our Association helps us continue this work.
‘We aim to unite all those impacted by CMT, the most common inherited neuropathy; empower those with CMT to live their lives to the fullest; and to encourage support for CMT Australia's goals.'